An exclusive interview with Mr Akande Waliyy, a co-founder and executive director of GMB Agency, as he shed more light on how to “create a vision and win as an enterpreneur”. Read more below
- I already know you Waliyy but I will still like you to introduce yourself to the public and fellow young entrepreneurs. So could you please tell us about your humble self and business?
I am Akande Waliyy, the co-founder and executive director of GMB Agency, a full service digital agency specialized in advertising and marketing activity. Personally, I have a mission to reach my highest potential in the best amount of time possible. There is something about potential that I am completely obsessed with. I want to maximize my time, energy, talents and resources strongly to myself so I can be who I dream to be. GMB Agency is helping to get the best out of myself couple with help from my two other partners (NajeebAbubakar and FawazAbdulganiyu).
- How did you build up an entrepreneurial spirit at such a young age, do you believe you were born with it or you developed it?
As far as I can remember I always wanted to be an entrepreneur. I love helping people, creating solutions to problems and that’s what entrepreneurs do. They provide a product/service to help solve a consumer’s problem. I don’t believe anyone is born an entrepreneur, however I believe that the type of environment I grew up allowed me to develop and nurture my passion for business.
- What are the challenges you are facing as a young entrepreneur in your business?
The main challenge I faced and I think a lot of entrepreneurs face when they first start out is not being taken seriously. As you can imagine three young guys telling people to subscribe to their service for the growth of their business may not always go well or three young guys charging you millions for some couple of servicesmay not be taken seriously. I can’t fully say we overcame that challenge but it’s a steady growth and I feel things are much better.
- How did you come about GMB Agency and what does GMB stand for?
GMB implies what we aim to achieve for our client, which is Growth, Marketing, Base and it stands for the initials of the three founder’s name. So coming up with the idea of the company was not totally my idea. I got a call from my partner about starting an organization which was not completely what we do today but a part of it. All we needed was a little idea to develop and the goals keep getting bigger which is helping the betterment of the organization.
- How long have you been into business?
I ventured into business at the age of 17 but for the agency, this is our second year of operation.
- What would you regard as your biggest mistake in your business?
Personally, I feel we all make mistakes and it is good for the nature of the business. I will consider setting the bar low at the beginning a mistake for us which with God’s grace we are evolving into major deals.
- Do you think it is easy to be an entrepreneur?
Yes! Anyone can be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurs solve problems for consumers by offering their products and services. Successful entrepreneurs try to solve a big problem and have the ability to persevere. So you need to look at a lot of things before starting a business and considering yourself a fulltime entrepreneur.
- What keeps you going even in hard times?
My goals. They keep me up late at night and up early in the morning. So with plenty persistence and enough focus I keep going even in hard times. Bill Copeland said it best, “Goals give our lives meaning” and I feel I found a meaning to mine.
- What are your thoughts on entrepreneurship for young people especially in an economy where jobs are harder to find?
Entrepreneurship rewards those who preserve and think big with freedom. Honestly it is not for everyone but with a creative vision alongside determination, dedication and hard work you will succeed.
- What do you think it takes to succeed in business?
Perseverance and a hungry attitude. The reason why you see a lot of successful people failing after they reach their success is maybe because the hunger that made them successful is no longer there.
- What two pieces of advice can you give to someone who wants to become an expert in their chosen field?
Invest in yourself. You have to always keep learning if you want to become an expert. Also be patient, slowly but surely.