The Kwara state police command has confirmed the arrest of Fatai, the young man who teamed up with his friends to physically assault his girlfriend, Aduke, over claims that she was cheating on him.
According to lindaikeji report, fatai had invited Aduke to his house where his friends held Aduke’s hands and legs and then he proceeded to flog her. At a point, he even opened her pants and flogged her bare butt. The video has elicited reactions from Nigerians, many of whom are calling for the prosecution of Fatai and his friends.
In a chat with LIB this morning, the spokesperson of the Kwara state police command, SP Ajayi Okasanmi, said the suspects have all been arrested and will be paraded today, June 21.
Yes, the boys have been arrested and we are investigating the matter. By today, we will parade them so the world will see their faces” he said