Afolabi Abass, also known as Darule, a versatile Nigerian Afroswavey creator, is getting ready to release his debut EP, “Lost But Found (LBF),” on March 20th, 2023.
According to Darule, the project talks about the struggles, pains and success of a young man who was Lost but found yet heavy on his grind wanting to be somebody in this today’s hustle and bustle of life.
Darule also revealed that he infused melodic rhythms, melancholy, and harmony into his sound, which will stun his day one fans, who have always known him to be a hardcore indigenous rapper.
The EP houses 7 tracks “LBF (Intro)“, “Be Somebody“, “Bless Me“, “Tonight“, “10/10“, “Usain Bolt” and his most recent single “Otilo“.