The reboot of The Village Headmaster drama series is sponsored by Globacom, the leading telecommunications service operator in Nigeria. The series is now cruising into its 27th episode, just as the women of Oja embark on a hunt for jobs.

A new position for the role of Manager has opened up at the school’s canteen and the Headmaster has instructed Teacher Iginla and Teacher Idemudia to proceed with the recruitment process, by considering applications from Oja women. Clearly, the two teachers made the most of the situation, with Teacher Iginla requesting for processing fees at every step of the recruitment process.

The situation appeared promising for major contenders such as Madam Gbeke, Madam Doyin, and Madam Folake. However, the teachers increased the processing fees right before the final phase began, thus intensifying competition among women. They each secretly sought out Teacher Iginla to find ways to get the job offer. But who will emerge successful at the end of this process? What will Teacher Iginla do? Will he take sides or play fast and loose with all three women?


Meanwhile, remember when Mrs. Abaga smashed the windscreen of her car due to unconfirmed speculations and rumours? Well, it seems repairs have finally been completed and the car has been returned to her. Mr Abaga attempted to teach his wife about owning and driving a car, but she was so impatient to take the wheel that she tried to hire Lakunle. You can trust Lakunle to remind Mrs. Abaga that his services are not free or cheap. Will she be willing to pay the required amount? What are the chances of her obeying the instructions given to her?

Don’t miss out on the all-new episode 27! Be among the first to watch this exciting new episode on NTA from 8 pm – 9 pm on Sundays; AIT on Wednesdays from 9 pm – 10 pm; and WAP TV on Fridays, from 8 pm – 9 pm.

Globacom proudly sponsors the Village Headmaster. Catch some of the missed hilarious highlights on Glo’s social platforms: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


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