The Glo-sponsored drama series, The Village Headmaster is in its 39th episode and it appears the spirits are still on the loose in Oja Village, leading to sleepless nights for the villagers.

As panic intensifies in Oja Village, the Kabiyesi is forced to consult with the gods of the land to find a lasting solution. He also instructed Baba Ifa and Chief Dagbolu to carry out the cleansing ritual throughout the entire village in a bid to appease the roaming spirits. Despite the cleansing ritual, Chief Dagbolu still claimed to have seen some more spirits approaching. That could only mean one thing…that the cleansing ritual had not been accepted by the spirits. Perhaps he spoke out of fear, possibly referring to recent events in Oja village? Or could there be more to the emergence of the spirits that has not been addressed by the people of Oja Village?


It would seem that spirits are doing far too much to be considered spirits. These spirits have resorted to scare tactics to take possession of people’s properties, leading the Headmaster to conclude that they might just be humans playing on the villagers’ ignorance. In order to prove his assumption right, the Headmaster suggested laying a trap to catch the ‘spirits’. He also proposed involving the police in the situation, but met with some resistance from Baba Ifa who believed that the spirits were real and could not be caught in human traps. Will Kabiyesi take the Headmaster’s advice and involve the police?

Meanwhile, Madam Loading is offering the opportunity of a better life in Europe to women and girls of Oja Village, as she introduces her NGO to the people. Girls and mothers in Oja Village can be seen seeking help to ensure that their daughters are part of the selected candidates to join Madam loading on her next trip. In order to promote her NGO, Madam Loading sought out Teacher Ese, hoping to use her influence following her 1st runner up win at the pageantry. There however, seems to be more to Madam Loading than meets the eye and Iyalode leads the group of those who believe in taking precautions, especially when something sounds too good to be true. Could Madam Loading really be up to no good with her NGO? And will Teacher Ese agree to be the face of her NGO?


Don’t miss out on the all-new episode 39! Be among the first to watch this exciting new episode on NTA from 8 pm – 9 pm on Sundays; AIT on Wednesdays from 9 pm – 10 pm; and WAP TV on Fridays, from 8 pm – 9 pm.

Globacom proudly sponsors the Village Headmaster. Catch some of the missed hilarious highlights on Globacom’s social platforms: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.




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